Access control systems
Innovative Security Solutions
Ensure that your home or business is safe by providing access control for people and vehicles in certain spaces.
Enhance the Security
of your premises
Monitoring of anyone who has access to the building
Log file of any movement through the access points
Access only by authorized staff
Easy card replacement by deactivating any lost or stolen cards
Access can be limited to specific time intervals
Breaches are immediately detected and access is blocked at multiple points at once
Residence access control via smart video intercom functionalities
Access to video intercom via mobile phone

- Business Solutions
- Home Solutions

Control the Access to your Business
Stand Alone System
Stand alone systems are connected to an electronic or magnetic door lock and regulate the access to this specific entrance.
IP Access Control
Network access control systems can include many units that are placed at different doors but work together. All of these units are controlled through a main unit or an operating program and can offer data on the whole system.
Working Hours Check
The capabilities of working hours access control systems for your staff vary, depending on the needs of every business.
Protect the Entrance to your Home
Smart Video/Image Device
Video intercoms that can take snapshots when someone is ringing your bell while you are absent. The visitor can also leave you a video message that you can watch upon your return.
Mobile Phone Connection
You can manage your doorbell through your mobile phone, without having to go to the video intercom device to check who it is or to allow access to you premises.
Extra Camera
Video intercoms with an extra camera that offers you the complete picture of your home’s entrance and not just an image of the face of the person that is ringing your doorbell.